Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Start thinking of a new name!!!!!!!!

Okay people we have officially 2 weeks to change our name from I'm a Little Teapot to something else... ahhhh!!

All our logos, our stickers, our advertising, our signs..holy cow!

Can it be done? Just think of the money and the time. Well if you don't see Kayse and I for 2 weeks you will know it is because we are face down in a pile of paperwork and such trying to recreate ourselves into a different name.

What is in a name, everything, I tell you! It was so fun to have people laugh at our name, enjoy our name and come in singing. I cant tell you how many times people would start singing on the phone, I truly feel it brightened their day.

So do you have any ideas??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here's my vote....

"Teapot Parties and Children's Boutique"

That says it all, and it also gives people your website url so they can find you online.

No, it's not as cute...but I think it works. :)