Monday, September 8, 2008

Oh No! .... a roadbump on this business adventure!

Well, I received a call today from a New York lawyer... apparently the owners of the copyright name of I'm a Little Teapot wants its name back...

Boo Hoo... this is a hurdle that we will overcome but I thought I would share with you since that is the point of this whole Blog. For you to come along with us on our business "trip" down the roads of the unknown...

I will keep you updated, but worst case scenario.. I guess we change our name! Ahhhh......

I know what you are thinking, "Didn't they think of that first?" Well, we did, for a second and then we decided that hey, people use song names all the time and they are fine. I guess we should have held onto that thought for a bit longer then 2 seconds.

Now we know!


Kristin said...

thats just terrible. what a perfect name for a shop such as yours! : ( anyway to get around it? just keep 'the little teapot'--mean people!

Anonymous said...

Yes...I agree..."A Little Teapot" would work...just erase the "I'm.."
At least you didn't put in an order for 1000 t shirts with I'm a little teapot on it! Gotta look at the bright points!

What if you used...
"I am a little teapot"...?

or I'm a tiny teapot...
or I'm a little pea, I guess that wouldn't work.... :)