Okay everybody, ready 1,2,3..SURPRISE! We are opening up an online store!!! Yeah!!! Its true, really we are doing it. It is almost done and we are so excited to offer this to you all, those people that have called from so far away asking us to ship items they can't find anywhere else. Well, just for you, we will! So shop away, we will ship away, and when we get new items in, we will be able to offer you a reserve so you can buy them before they sell out.

Its a bit scary creating an online store. Scary and frustrating as Kayse has found out. Scary because that means that not only will we be running this store, but will now have to ship everyday, be in contact with customers everyday and really run 2 stores in one...oh boy, I am excited but nervous! Frustrating because, as we have come to find out, nobody can go into your brain and really know exactly what you want your webpage to look like. And, even when you tell them the look you are going for, well, they don't quite get it. And then the whole money thing...jeez, why does all this fun stuff have to cost so much money???

To my dear friend Alex on the east coast, here you go! You have been asking and asking when we were going to get an online store...well...are you happy ;0) We will be getting in more fireman rain jackets so you can tell ALL your friends where they can buy one and if they want to buy something else, all the better....he he...
So check back soon and shop away~ We look forward to shipping you a bit of inspiration.
~Ashley and Kayse
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