Okay, we are now officially Teapot Parties and Children's Boutique. Yeah, I know, not as catchy but what are you gonna do? We will be known as Teapot. We picked this name because, well for one, its cute. But also because our website, our blog and our store is a teapotparties so we went for that whole "goes together" thing.
Our sign and website will be changing soon, but it will all look the same. Everything is the same, just a bit of a name change.. its like we got divorced.. he he.. oh, or we became so famous that we just shortened our name.. yeah, I like that one! I'm a Little Teapot, oh no! We are too famous so we just go by Teapot.. hey if this keeps up maybe we can just be a symbol formally known as teapot...oh yeah baby hold on to your horses!