I am sure a lot of you are wondering how we are doing now that this Economy is in the dumps and we all are stretching to make ends meet, between the gas and living expenses. So, I thought I would update you.
Being a small business we rely on people coming in and spending their money so we can cover our expenses to pay rent, bills, and payroll. This does not include orders that we want to place. We need a certain amount of money every month to make this all happen. Because we rely on you shopping and choosing to spend your money here, we have to sit back and patiently wait to see if it is going to happen. We take this adventure day by day. We hope for the best and we get very excited if we make a big sale. We do not have reserve in a bank account somewhere. No, what you pay us, goes to pay our rent and so on. Which causes us to be scared that the economy is causing you to not shop as much. We all have to be very selective on what we want to spend our money on. Because of this, we have had to lower our prices. We can not afford to have you not shop with us. So we slash prices. We need something, every penny is counted here. Every penny goes to keeping our doors open.
We are not profiting on your dollar, at least not yet. Someday we may be like all those other big name store, but for now, we are just here to offer you imagination and inspiration in what we show in our store.
Please come and chose to spend your dollar here instead of Target or some other brand name store. It is the small businesses that are feeling the most pain. We need you. You are important to us.
I want to be clear when I say you are important I mean that it is not all about money to us, obviously, we are not making any..ha ha, but we love when you come in. When you share a bit of yourselves with us, we learn you story, we learn about your children, we create a relationship with you. We love our job, because of you!
So we ask a favor of you, that if you are having to attend a birthday party, or for Christmas and Hanukkah, please think of us. There may be a day when we can no longer be open to offer what we offer, if you go somewhere else. We know you would never let that happen!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Ashley and Kayse